MetaTFT Tierlist - 13.19 Set 9
The recent b-patch changed the landscape of the meta after Noxus mostly dominated the meta. And in this article, I’m going to show you my updated tierlist for the current meta, explain the best strategies to climb on this patch, and then take a look into each of the comps mentioned.

Ioania Xayah, which is the best and most consistent comp in the meta. It also has one of the highest top 4 and winrates, even though it’s heavily contested.
Gunner Aphelios is the best AD option in the meta, but only if you get Piltover early on. Without a large cashout, this comp will lose some value and fall down to A or B tier
A Tier
Cho'Gath Reroll is the best 1-cost reroll comp in the meta, but it’s incredibly conditional. You have to have a good opener: ideally Cho'Gath 2star on stage 2-1, so you can start stacking him as soon as possible.
Demacia Fiora struggles from behind, and it’s necessary to hit Fiora 2star on time and to have good items for her. This comp mostly shines in the meta since it has a great matchup into Ionia Xayah.
Rogues are still strong even after some big buffs and nerfs in recent patches. This comp isn’t really forceable anymore though, so you should only play it from good spots. Having good Ixtal is very important with this comp, as well as having good items.
B Tier
Sorcerers is a great option if you have a lot of AP items, but the comp doesn’t really powerspike until you get to level 8, which is the biggest drawback of the comp, so if you are ahead, this is one of the stronger options.
Samira Reroll received some heavy nerfs in the most recent patch, but it’s still playable on this patch from ahead. So as long as you don’t force this comp you’re still able to get high placements and win games.
Strategy for climbing
In the recent patch, riot nerfed a lot of legend augments, to the point where Poro is overall the best legend, as you get more general augments offered this way. Overall you can pick almost any legend, but I would avoid: Tham Kench, ASOL, Draven, Veigar and Vladimir. This is mostly because their augments are underperforming, but also because all of these legends lean you towards comps or playstyles that are also underperforming. For example legendaries are weaker on this patch, and the meta is more focused around reroll or 4 cost carries, therefore ASOL is a bad choice. And with Tham Kench, you get a ton of gold, but picking Lee Sin is better when playing reroll comps, as you get more power right away a lot of the time, instead of getting it slowly over time, which makes you bleed out faster.

If we take a look at the best performing augments so far in this patch, we can see that there is not a single hero augment on this list besides Tiniest Titan. This is also why I’m currently using Poro as my legend of choice when playing games.
As far as the meta goes, most comps have certain conditions that make them strong. Because of this, you should generally default to the strongest comps when you have no direction. The first thing you should do is identify if you have a good spot for Cho'Gath or Rogue reroll, depending on your opener, items, and 2-1 augment. Usually you will not, and they might also be contested, so you will mostly play towards a 4-cost carry instead.
If you have AP items, you will play Sorcerers, or you will have to turn the AP components into mixed damage items or tank items. Like turning rods into gunblade, rageblade and crownguard. Or turning tear into HOJ, redemption, protectors vow or adaptive helm. You can still play sorcerers though, but remember that you need to get to level 8 to succeed with that comp, so having a strong opener is a requirement to go down that route.
If you have a AD items you will generally default towards Xayah or Fiora, you can also play Gunners, but without a piltover opener, it’s usually not the best unless you have the perfect opener with Jinx and Graves 2star. Both Fiora and Xayah are viable routes, though with Xayah you’d like to have more gloves and bows, this is to get 100% crit chance on Xayah, and to also get an RFC on Nilah.
Now, let’s go into more detail for each comp:
Ionia Xayah

The most common 4-cost comp is Ionia Vanquishers, with Xayah and Nilah duo carry. If you can reach level 8 or have Ionia +1, you can play this board with 6 Ionia 4 Vanquishers. Nilah is incredibly strong with an Ionia Spat, so try to angle for this if possible. You almost always have to roll on level 7 though for this comp so you really shouldn’t be playing for this board without Ionia +1, so play 4 Vanquisher with Juggernauts and Sejuani otherwise. The most important item in this comp is RFC on Nilah. Scoped weapons is a great substitute, but you should even try to get an RFC even with scoped weapons if possible. No other item comes close to being as effective as Ionia Spat and RFC, but Giantslayer is the best item after that. Even going double RFC is better than building a damage item in a lot of cases. Xayah’s best crit items are Last Whisper, Guardbreaker and HOJ, you want to build 2 of these to get to 100% crit chance. The 3rd item should be a non crit item, and the best one is Giantslayer, but Deathblade, Gunblade and Ruunans are also great options. Note that the only reason Edge of Night is performing well is due to Rouges being in the meta, so while it might be a good 3rd item on this patch, it might not be great if the meta changes. Throw your tank items onto Shen, and note that if you are not building Last Whisper on Xayah, then build an Evenshroud onto Shen.

There best is to play it from a Piltover cashout and carry Aphelios and Jayce, itemizing whoever you upgrade first, and eventually both of them. When you play this, you want to open fort until 3-5, level to 7 and roll all of your gold to make sure you cash out within the next few turns. You can also play this comp without Piltover; just drop Ekko from this board and play flex frontline units. Jarvan is a placeholder for any frontliner like Nasus, Nautilus, Aatrox, or Shen. Drop Vi when you hit Sion and Graves when you hit Gangplank. Jayce and Aphelios have similar itemization, but both like attack speed and AD damage items, like Rageblade, Nashers Tooth, QSS, Last Whisper, Giant Slayer, IE, and Runaan’s.

Bruiser Cho'Gath is a 1-cost reroll comp that changes depending on your opener and what units you hit. You always want to Econ up until 3-1 and then hyperroll on lvl 4, usually until 30 gold, then slowroll at level 5 until you hit. Your backline carry should either be Malzahar or Cassio, depending on who you find more of on stage 2. If you hit Cho'Gath 3 and aren’t close to 3-star Malz or Cassio, you can push levels for more Bruisers and play around Silco as your secondary carry. If you get an early Shurima Spat, you can put it on Cho'Gath and play vertical Shurima. Cho'Gath's best items are Redemption, D-Cclaw, and Bramble. If you can get an Anima Visage or Radiant D-Claw, your Cho'Gath often becomes unkillable. Put any extra tank items on Renekton if you 3-star him, otherwise put them on Sejuani. If you are ahead, consider going for Reksai 3 and itemizing him to cap out. His best items are Titans, BT, Sterak’s, Titan’s, and Night Harvester.

Demacia Fiora

Demacia Fiora is another 4cost comp, with this comp, you can’t really play it from behind, as it’s mostly a tempo top4 comp that can win games if you hit Fiora or more likely Quinn 3star. You will usually do a fast-7 or 8 since we are not reliant on any legendaries with the comp, and you will roll for a 7 Demacia board. You can also stay level 7 here if you are ahead to roll for Quinn 3star. You want Jarvan, Fiora and Quinn to be the elites with Radiant items. Fiora wants one healing item and a damage item which is Titans, Night Harvester or Giant Slayer most of the time. Quinn wants two AD items that scale off raw stats, and Jarvan wants Protector's Vow plus one more tank item.


Rogues are the other strong reroll comp in the meta. The standard way to play this comp is to reroll for Graves 3star on level 5 and then roll for Ekko and Katarina 3star at level 7. You generally want to play this comp when the Ixtal is good: the best two are Wood and Ice. If the Ixtal is Fire or Electric, you should usually drop out of Ixtal and play something else like 3 Noxus. If you get a Slayer Spat, put it on Katarina, and if you get a Rogue Spat, play for a 3 item Rogue Mordekaiser on level 7.


Next up is Sorcerers, this is a 3-cost and 4-cost carry comp, so you want to mainly roll on level 8 if possible. Rolling on level 6 early stage 3 is a great option for this comp sometimes as there’s often a lot of ways to spike your board. If you hit a Sorc Spat, you should usually put it on Shen, but it can also go on your Multicaster if you are carrying Vel'Koz. All 3 carries generally use most of the same items well, so you should itemize your strongest carry first, whether it be Vel'Koz 3, Silco, or Ahri, but usually it’s going to be Silco. While rolling on 8, you should hold as many Swains and Vel'Koz's as possible and make the decision whether you are going to push for a fast 8 or roll for Swain 3 Vel'Koz 3 once you stabilize. The main priority for this comp is to build Ionic Spark and a bunch of mana items to itemize multiple carries, with Blue Buff being the best, Adaptive Helm second, and Shojin the worst. The best damage items are JG, Guardbreaker, Giant Sayer, and Deathcap.

This is a 1 and 2cost reroll comp, first you will slowroll at level 5 until you hit Samira 3star, then you will push level 6 for (5 Noxus + Naafiri) and slowroll until you have Swain/Naafiri 3star. After that push for Vertical Noxus to buff up Samira even further. Samira wants Blue Buff + Edge of night + BT or she wants Blue Buff + Gunblade + Giantslayer. Blue Buff makes her cast more often and reduces the enemy armor, resuting in more damage for her and Naafiri. Edge of Night is so the enemy team dropps Aggro on her once Naafiri dies. BT is to heal back up from the splash damage she takes from the 2nd row. With the other item build we can backline her with Gunblade and GS so that she gets through tanks and is able to heal up Swain and the rest of our team. Put tank items on Swain, and extra AD items on Naafiri.