MetaTFT Tierlist - 13.18 Set 9.5

Set 9.5 has just released on the live servers, and  I’m going to take you through the 10 best comps to climb with now that the new set is live.

Strategist Azir

Azir board
Azir board

The first comp is Strategist Azir. The only two units that are mandatory on this board are Azir and Nasus; everything else depends on your items, augments, and what you hit, but we will play him with strategists most of the time. You almost always want to roll on level 7 because you can play a bunch of different units depending on who you 2-star, but this is the standard board you should look for. You should always look to pair Azir with a duo carry if possible: usually MF, Nilah, Mordekaiser, and Silco. Gangplank and Heimer are great adds if you hit them. You should also try to fit in 4 and 6 Juggernaut if possible, especially when you start pushing levels. Azir’s best item is Nashor’s Tooth. Aside from that, he wants any AP or attack speed items, but best are Rageblade, Guardbreaker, Gunblade, and RFC. Make sure to always build Magic Shred in this comp: either Shiv on Azir or Spark on a tank which is usually Nasus but can also be Nautilus.

Ionia Xayah

Ionia Xayah board -
Ionia Xayah board

The other most common 4-cost comp is Vanquishers, with Xayah and Nilah duo carry. This comp also has multiple versions to be aware of. If you can reach level 8 or have Ionia +1, you can play this board with 6 Ionia 4 Vanquishers. Nilah is incredibly strong with an Ionia Spatular, so try to angle for this if possible. You almost always have to roll on level 7 though for this comp so you really shouldn’t be playing for this board without Ionia +1, so play 4 Vanquisher with Juggernauts and Sejuani otherwise. The most important item in this comp is Rapid Firecannon on Nilah. Scoped weapons is a great substitute, but you should even try to get an Rapid Firecannon even with scoped weapons if possible. Her other best items are healing, preferably Hoj, and AD, like GS, Titans, Night Harvester, Steraks, and Titan’s. Xayah’s best items are Deathblade, Runaan’s, GS, Guardbreaker, Gunblade, and Hoj. You should make sure to always build Shred: either Last Whisper on Xayah or Evenshroud on a tank like Shen, Sett, or Nasus.

Noxus Mordekaiser

Noxus Mordekaiser board -
Noxus Mordekaiser board

The Noxus comp is still a solid comp to play for if you hit Mordekaiser and have items for him. The most standard board you are rolling for on level 7 is 5 Noxus plus Qiyana and a Juggernaut like Nasus, but ideally you can push level 8 for 4 Juggernaut or Legendaries. This comp is much better with +1 Noxus, as it allows you to play 7 Noxus, at level 7 put the Spatular on another strong unit like Nilah, Nasus, Aatrox, or Fiora. Darius is not a great carry anymore after some nerfs and the rise of Juggernauts as the best frontline, so try to avoid itemizing him. If you manage to hit Katarina 3-star, she is still pretty good, but your main priority should be to hit Mordekaiser 2 and push levels. Mordekaiser’s best item is Rapid Firecannon, followed Nashor’s, JG, Guardbreaker, Quickestsilver, and healing like Hoj, BT, or Gunblade.


Challengers board -
Challengers board

Our next comp is Challengers. This comp is much more conditional than last set, since you don’t really have the option for 3 Ionia anymore, with Fiora replacing Yasuo in the midset. This comp is really not stable with 1-star units, so make sure to roll aggressively on level 7. You have two main options when creating your board: this board, which is 6 Challenger 2 Juggernaut, and the other option being 4 Challenger 4 Juggernaut, with Sett and Nautilus replacing Irelia and Samira. You can also play 3 Demacia, but it’s not that great. Level up for legendaries like Gangplank, Heimer, and Aatrox. If you have a Challenger Spatular, put it on one of the legendaries or on Mordekaiser or Nilah and itemize them. Fiora’s best items are BT, Night Harvester, and Sterak’s. Other items that can work are Titan’s, Hoj, and any other AD items. Kaisa’s best items are Shojin, Jg, and Guardbreaker, but other AP items like Gunblade, Deathcap, Shiv, and Giant Slayer can work. Put Tank items on Nasus or Nautilus, and itemize a third carry if you have a Challenger Spatular.

Invoker Karma

Invoker Karma board -
Invoker Karma board

6 Invoker is a decent option if you have a good opener for it and have AP items. This board pretty much plays the same as last set with a couple minor changes. The standard level 7 board is the exact same: 6 Invokers plus Taric, but you can also play Neeko over Taric in some scenarios. You can also stabilize off of 4 Bastion 4 Invoker on level 7 with Neeko plus Kassadin, so be aware of that. If you get Invoker +1, consider playing 8 Invoker on level 8, but it’s usually not that great without Invoker +2 as you don’t have enough frontline. Items are the exact same as last set: Karma’s best item is Gunblade, followed by AP and Crit items like Archangel’s, JG, Guardbreaker, and Deathcap. Tank items go on Shen and Taric.


Piltover board -
Piltover board

Piltover is still very strong, so definitely play it if you get the opportunity in the first couple rounds. Since Aphelios is now the 4-cost Gunner, he’s going to be the main carry you should angle toward when you cash out. This comp is much more flexible than last set. Typically your frontline is going to be some combination of Shen, Taric, Sejuani, and Nasus, with Vi and Ekko as your Piltover units until you hit Heimer. Consider itemizing silco as a secondary carry if you have AP items and a good Zaun. Aphelios’s best item is once again Rageblade, followed by AD items like Deathblade, Infinity Edge, GS, Guardbreaker, and Runaan’s.


Demacia board -
Demacia board

Next up is Demacia. This comp has two conditions to be played: high tempo from a strong early game, usually because Poppy 2 with Radiant Stoneplate is the best opener in the game, or with Demacia +1. If you have Demacia +1, you should default to the board shown with the Spatular on Mordekaiser, and then replace Poppy with Aatrox. If you somehow hit Demacia +2, you should try to push for 9 Demacia at all costs, as it’s one of the strongest traits in the game. If you don’t have a Demacia Spatular, you should usually play 5 Demacia lategame with either 4 Slayer or Kaisa plus a flex frontline unit. Fiora’s best items are Bloodthirster and Night Harvester to pair with the Radiant Sterak’s, but any AD and Helaing will work. Quinn’s best item is Infinity Edge followed by Shojin, GS, and Deathblade. Jarvan should hold your Tank items, and Mordekaiser should hold any AP items. If you manage to get a Kayle 3 in the early game, put a Rageblade plus either another Rageblade or AP items like Deathcap and Guardbreaker.

Rogue Reroll

Rogue board -
Rogue board

Rogues are the best reroll comp on PBE right now. This comp has a lot of options, specifically of when to roll and which units to roll for. If you are uncontested, the most standard way to play this comp is to roll for Graves 3 at level 4 and 5, then either roll for Qiyana on 6 if you are close to her or push level 7 or 8 and roll for Katarina and Ekko. If you can’t hit Ekko and Katarina, push level 8 and 9 for legendaries like Heimer, GP, Aatrox, and Sion. This comp is pretty reliant on having a good Ixtal, but it’s still playable without it. The best Ixtal is Ice, followed by Wood and Stone. If it’s bad, just play 2 Ixtal or drop it altogether for stronger units later. Jinx is the best +1 for this comp on level 7, especially if the Zaun is adaptive or Shimmer. Consider playing Mordekaiser and another Noxus unit for 3 Noxus and Slayer for Qiyana. Graves’s and Qiyana’s best items are Sterak’s, Night Harvester, Hoj, BT, Titan’s, and GS. Katarina’s and Ekko’s best items are Hoj, JG, and Night Harvester, but any AP and Healing Work.

Cho'Gath Reroll

Cho'Gath Reroll board -
Cho'Gath Reroll board

Cho'Gath was buffed on PBE and became a conditionally strong carry in the meta that you should be aware of. You really need to have the opener or an econ augment to play this, as if you hit too late, it’s impossible to come back. There are many variations to Cho'Gath carry, including Shurima and Vertical Bruisers, but those are quite simple and easy to play. Another variation is Cho'Gath slayers reroll, with Kayle as a secondary carry. Like any 1-cost reroll, you go down to 30 on 3-1 and slowroll level 5 after until you hit Cho'Gath and Kayle 3. Renekton 3 is a good bonus. Level up for 4 Bruiser and more 4 Slayers. Start itemizing Rek'Sai as the 3rd carry. If you hit Sion, just drop Demacia and play 6 Bruiser. Cho'Gath's most important item is a healing item like BT or Hoj, and a defensive item like Redemption, Dragon's Claw, Bramble, or Gargoyle. The third item can be another defensive item, a second healing item, or Night Harvester. Kayle’s most important item is Rageblade, followed by another Rageblade or any AP items like Guardbreaker, Archangel’s, Deathcap, or Giant Slayer.

Jayce Reroll

Jayce Reroll board -
Jayce Reroll board

The most recently discovered comp on PBE is Jayce Reroll, which is playable now after some big buffs to his damage. This is another option you can play from a Piltover cashout, but it’s also playable without it. Reroll for Jayce 3 at level 7, and play either 2 Gunners plus a bunch of frontline, or 4 Gunners plus a more limited frontline. Usually you will just end up playing whatever 4-cost tanks you upgrade between Sejuani, Shen, Nasus, and Jarvan. Once you hit, go 8 and play 4 Gunner and find Gangplank. This comp generally struggles with frontline, so any time you have an excess of frontline, this comp becomes a lot better. Jayce’s best items are Rageblade, Rapid Firecannon, Infinity Edge, Last Whisper, and Giant Slayer. Tank items go on whatever frontline unit you upgrade. Itemize Aphelios as a secondary carry if you have extra carry items.