MetaTFT Tierlist - 13.15 Set 9
Patch 13.15 has created a diverse meta after buffing most of the weaker comps from the previous patch. As a result, the comps in this video are much closer in power level to each other, so everything from S to B tier are good options to choose from. In this video, I’m going to show you my tierlist for the current meta, take a look into each of the comps mentioned, and explain the best strategies to climb on this patch.

S Tier
Gunner Zeri is the best 4-cost comp in the meta. If you manage to hit early piltover, this comp is easily the best comp in the game. Without piltover, this comp is still great, it’s just harder to stabilize on level 7 in the midgame and you don’t cap as high.
Noxus Darius is a great tempo comp that can also cap out very high if you can hit darius 3 katarina 3 with good items and augments, but you can only play this comp from a good opener.
A Tier
Invoker Karma is the best A tier comp on this list. This is a great 3-cost reroll option that stabilizes really hard on 6 invoker with the 2-star board. You can usually top 4 with this comp if you hit your board, but you can only top 2 if you have really good items and good combat augments.
Samira Reroll is a new comp to the meta. This is purely a tempo comp; you need a good noxus opener to start gaining stacks, then hit samira 3 and tempo as hard as possible in the midgame to cap around either Swain, Darius, and Katarina 3 or legendaries before you inevitably fall off.
Kayle Reroll is back after slayers and poppy were buffed. This is the most 1st or 8th comp in the set: if you can hit and push levels on tempo, you are usually going to top 2. If you fall behind and don’t hit or you get contested, you are almost always going 8th.
Bruiser Rek'Sai is the most augment dependent comp in the meta. If you have good augments and hit Rek'Sai 3, you usually can get a top 2. However, this comp is not stable at all on Rek'Sai 2, so you might struggle in the midgame.
Sorcerer Lux is still a good comp, but you can no longer hard stabilize with Ahri 1. This comp can win games, but it’s really only playable with +1 Sorc or from a highroll opener, so don’t try to force it from behind.
Freljord Aphelios is still a good top 4 comp in the meta, but you will usually struggle to top 2. The board is really expensive and the comp is generally worse than Gunners, so you should only play it from a good early game.
Challengers fall into the back end of A tier. This comp is pretty similar to Aphelios: you are usually only playing for a top 4 unless you have really good combat augments and can cap around legendaries, but the comp does have upside if you manage to get a spat on Belveth or Heimer.
B Tier
Strategist Azir & Lux is a decent option after the Buffs to Azir. However, you really need to reach level 8 for 4 strategists and also hit all your 2-star 4-costs to do well, so you should only play this if you’ve got a bunch of money.
Tristana Reroll is another playable 1-cost reroll comp, but it doesn’t have the winout potential like Kayle does. This comp is definitely more stable before you hit than Kayle, but its really hard to top 2 unless you can reach level 9 and itemize Zeri 2.
Freljord Akshan drops down after nerfs in the last two patches. Usually, you should pivot this comp into Aphelios or Zeri if you can as Akshan 2 isn’t as stable as it used to be. If you can manage to hit Akshan 3 though, this comp is definitely still playable.
Now, let’s get into my strategy for climbing on this patch:
The best legends on this patch are Ornn and Urf. Both have good, safe options for their 3-2 and 4-2 augments. Ornn items give you a ton of early game strength and direction, while Urf trades some of that early game strength for late-game power and the ability to play comps that aren’t usually good without emblems. Ornn is quite easy to play, so if you prefer to force a few specific comps or are more of a beginner, he’s probably the the best option.
Urf rewards flexibility and game knowledge, so advanced players should seriously consider picking him. He is much harder to play though, not just due to the flexibility; you also have to understand how to tailor your tomes properly. Make sure you have 6, 8, or 10 unique traits on your board for a round before popping your tomes. Usually, you will want to do this on 1-4 or 2-1 to pop them the turn after. Make sure to play as many good traits as possible, like Shadow Isles, Noxus, Sorcerer, Bruiser, Freljord, Invoker, and Zaun. Traits without emblems like Yordle and Multicaster are great to put on your board as well.
Lee Sin is a decent choice as well if you want to default to Kayle, Tristana, and Samira, but theres a lot more variance when flexing between just 3 1-cost reroll comps. You can still play other things with trade sector or shopping spree, or by just taking a combat augment on 2-1, but his 3-2 and 4-2 augments are terrible compared to Ornn and Urf.
The first thing you should do in the early game is decide whether you have good spots for Samira reroll, Tristana reroll, Kayle reroll, Darius reroll, and Rek'Sai reroll, as these are comps you want to be committing to early or not at all. If not, you should play flexibly between lines until you have clear direction. If you have an AD opener, you should default to Zeri and Aphelios, and if you have an AP opener, you should default to Invokers or Sorcerers. Challengers is a good comp, but it’s only playable from challenger or Ionia openers. Now, let’s take a deeper look into each comp:
Gunner Zeri
Our first comp is Gunner Zeri. This comp plays differently whether you have piltover or not. If you do, try to loss streak until at least 3-5, where you want to roll down for a strong board to cash out your T-Hex. This is the standard board on level 8, but you can drop 4 Zaun if you don’t need it and don’t have Urgot items, and you can drop 4 Gunner if you don’t have Senna. If you hit +1 Zaun, play 6 Zaun and itemize your Sejuani as your main tank if you have Exoskeleton and Jarvan if you have Chemtank. If you hit Heimer, you want to always play him on this board, and either go for double Mechano plus Shrink if you don’t have Shred, and triple Mechano if you do. If you don’t have Piltover, you usually want to roll down on 3-5 or 4-1 for a similar board, just drop to 2 or 3 Gunner until you hit Senna, and play Sion, Heimer, or Freljord.
Zeri’s best item is Last Whisper as you always want shred and she applies it very well. Freljord or shrink module are good substitutes though if you can fit them. Her other best items are rageblade, gunblade, and AD items like giant slayer, ie, hoj, guardbreaker, and runaan’s. Urgot’s best items are titan’s, bloodthirster, hoj, edge of night, and any other AD items. Tank items can go on pretty much anyone, but usually sejuani is the best holder.

Our next S tier comp is Noxus reroll. This is a 3-cost reroll comp, so you want to slowroll on level 7 for Darius 3 and Katarina 3. Noxus stacks are very important, so you usually want to try to tempo on stage 2, and you should avoid this comp if you can’t get 3 Noxus in early. Slam suboptimal items if you have to in order to continue winstreaks. On 3-2, you usually need to roll to stabilize your board to start or continue winning. Always roll for 6 Noxus, but you can also roll for Darius 2 or kat 2 if you have pairs or your board is bad. You want to play a Juggernaut like Warwick, Nasus, or Aatrox on level 7 and drop Cassio for Sion if you hit him. Play Jarvan, Senna, Heimer, or a Rogue at level 8. If you have a Noxus Spat, put it on Ekko and roll for Ekko 3 as well or put it on Nasus if you have tank items or can’t go for Ekko 3. Always prioritize making 3 good Darius items first, as he is the main carry of the comp. Darius’s best items are a healing item like Hoj or BT plus two damage items like Titan’s, IE, Giant Slayer, and Last Whisper. Itemize Katarina next; she wants Spark, AP items like JG, Deathcap, and Guardbreaker, and a healing item like Hoj or Gunblade. Zephyr is incredibly strong in this comp, as it often allows your Darius to wrap backlines.

Invoker Karma
Invoker Karma is another 3-cost reroll comp, but it usually plays differently than Noxus. You often want to roll down on 3-2 if you are weak or want to maintain a winstreak as there’s a ton of units you can hit. Usually you end up with 4 Invokers plus Ionia or Taric. From there, push level 7 and roll down again on 4-1 for 6 Invokers plus Taric. From here, decide whether to go for Karma 3 on 7 or push level 8. You usually should push level 8 for Ionia; only stay level 7 if you hit a lot of Karmas on your rolldown and aren’t contested and need the early power spike. Going level 8 is super important to try to hit Ahri and Ryze. In most games Soraka, Taric, and Lissandra 3 are too expensive, but you can go for them if you have enough money. If you have +1 Invoker, just play Ionia at level 7 and put the Spat on Taric. Karma’s most important item is Gunblade, as this is a stall comp that greatly benefits from the sustain. After that, her best items are Archangel’s, JG, Guardbreaker, and Deathcap. If you hit Ahri, try to itemize her with similar items to Karma. The most important tank items for this comp are Spark for Magic Shred and Antiheal like Morello or Sunfire.

Samira Reroll
Samira reroll is the newest comp to the meta. This is a 1-cost reroll comp, so you should save all your econ on stage 2 and roll down on 3-1 to a bout 30 gold, then start slowrolling on level 5 until you hit Samira 3. Cassio 3 and Swain 3 are nice bonuses, but they are not required. You should roll down on 3-5 and 4-1 if you haven’t hit by then. This comp isn’t an open fort comp like most other 1-cost reroll comps, so you should be slamming items early and trying to win even though you aren’t leveling, as noxus stacks are important. Once you hit you have two options: push for a fast 9 if you are ahead of tempo and cap around legendaries like Heimer, Sion, and Belveth, or stay level 7 and roll for Darius 3 and Katarina 3, itemizing Darius as a secondary carry. Samira’s most important item is Blue Buff. Her best damage item is Giant Slayer, but Guardbreaker, Deathblade, and IE are also good. Hoj and Gunblade are also great items for healing. Put tank items on Swain, extra AD items on Darius, and AP items on Cassio.

Kayle Reroll
Our next comp is Kayle reroll. This is another 1-cost reroll comp where you want to hoard Econ until 3-1 to roll down for your board. This comp usually full opens and plays for an early 5-loss, as it’s incredibly weak until you hit all your 3-stars and reach level 6. You must hit Poppy, Maokai, and Kayle 3 before moving on. Play Kled and a Demacia unit at level 5, which is usually Sona until you hit Jarvan. Add in Teemo at level 6 once you hit your 3-stars to get 4-star Poppy, then push levels for more Slayers. Drop Teemo for Heimer when you hit him and drop Zed for Aatrox. Kayle must have Rageblade as her first item. Her second item prefers to be another Rageblade, RFC, or Gunblade. Itemize Poppy with tank items; her best are Redemption, Bramble, Dragon's Claw, and Gargoyle. Put the Demacia item on either Kayle or Poppy depending on your components. Itemize Gwen as a secondary carry once you’ve itemized Kayle and Poppy.

Bruiser Rek'Sai
Bruiser Rek'Sai is another 3-cost reroll comp, which means you slowroll on level 7 for Rek'Sai 3. This comp is very dependent on items and augments, so you should really only play it if you can get 2 item Rek'Sai with a good augment by 3-5. You need to stabilize on level 7 on 3-5 if you are loss streaking, and 4-1 if not, by rolling down for Rek'Sai 2, Freljord, and 4 or 6 Bruiser. If you hit Bruiser +1, always play 6 Bruiser on 7 with the Spat on Lissandra. If you can’t play 6 Bruiser, just play a flex unit like Akshan until you hit Sion. Rek'Sai's most important items are Titan’s and Bloodthirster. Hoj is a much weaker healing item than BT, but make it if you have to. Giant Slayer, IE, or a second Titan’s are Rek'Sai's best third item. Itemize Lissandra as a secondary carry; her best item is Morello for Antiheal, and any AP items after.

Sorcerer Lux
Next up is Sorcerer Lux. This comp can be played a few ways: if you are ahead, you want to only slight roll on level 7 or push for a fast 8 to fit this board. If you are behind and have to roll on level 7, you either have to either drop Demacia or 6 Sorcs, but you won’t be stable until you can reach level 8. Usually, it’s best to just drop 2 Sorcs for Shen. If you have +1 Sorcerer, always put the Spat on Sona, and roll on level 7 to stabilize. Lux is usually your main carry, but if you are in a good position to hit Velkoz 3, you should definitely go for it and itemize him as the main carry. If you manage to hit Ahri, you should try to itemize her if possible, as she is incredibly strong even at 1-star and allows this comp to play for a top 2. Velkoz, Shri, and Lux all use similar items. Usually you want a Mana item like Shojin or Blue Buff, especially for Shri and Velkoz, and two damage items like JG, Guardbreaker, Giant Slayer, or Deathcap. Gunblade is also a good option to heal up your limited frontline. Taric is the best holder for tank items in this comp. His most important item is Spark; after that, any tank items will do, especially Warmogs, Gargoyle, Bramble, and D-Claw. If you can, try to get a vow on Jarvan, as it buys a lot of time for your backline to wipe the enemy board.

Freljord Aphelios
Freljord Aphelios is much weaker after some Nerfs, but hes definitely still playable. This is a 4-cost carry comp, so you have two options: you can either roll on level 7 on either 3-5 or 4-1, or fast 8 on 4-2 or 4-5. Usually, you want to roll on 7 though, and come up with some variation of this board. This comp is pretty flexible, so you should also hold other units like Taric, Soraka, Jarvan, Heimer, Senna, and Ryze. Don’t be scared to play 2 or 3 Deadeye if your units aren’t upgraded and you need to fit more frontline. Aphelios’s most important item is Rageblade, as he really wants his attack speed to ramp late into fights. You can get away with RFC or augments like pumping up, but it’s less than ideal. After that, you want two damage items like Deathblade, Guardbreaker, IE, Giant Slayer, and Runaan’s. Urgot is the comp’s secondary carry; his best items are Titan’s, Bloodthirster, Hoj, Edge of Night, and any other AD items are also fine. Also don’t be scared to itemize Akshan 2, as he pumps out a ton of damage as well. You should usually put your tank items on Sejuani, but they can also go on Sion or Shen.

Our last comp is Challengers. This is another 4-cost carry comp where you roll down on level 7 on either 3-5 or 4-1 to stabilize your board, then try to push level 8 for Gwen or legendaries. Sett and Shen are interchangeable on this board, but you will usually end up with Sett since shen is so expensive, even though he’s slightly better. 6 Challenger is generally better than 6 Ionia unless you have Sentinel’s Spirit or +1 Ionia, because Kai'Sa doesnt benefit from Ionia and you can fit legendaries like Heimer and Senna much easier. If you get a challenger Spat, you should be looking to cap around Belveth. If you can’t get Belveth, putting the Spat on Gwen, Senna, or Heimer is also very good. Yasuo’s most important item is Edge of Night to avoid getting Oneshot, then damage items like Deathblade, IE, Hoj, GS, and Runaans. RFC is a good option to snipe backline. Kai'Sa's most important item is Shojin to make sure she casts multiple times per fight; otherwise, you want damage items like Deathcap, Guardbreaker, and JG. You can also go for Kalista 3 if you hit a bunch on your rolldown. Her best items are Rageblade and Giant Slayer.